Research Article:

Are Students Prepared for Success in Higher Education?

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As part of our ongoing research on the evolution of education in the U.S., Bay View Analytics surveyed K-12 and higher education teachers and administrators in April 2024 on their perceptions of student readiness for higher education.

All respondents were asked the same two questions:
  1. Do you believe your students are/were prepared to be successful in their in higher education efforts?
  2. Do you believe your students are/were prepared to be successful for the use of digital tools and online education in higher education?
    1. “The level of preparedness depends heavily on the quality of the high school from which they came.”
      Faculty reporting expected change in course materials and extend of changes

      A majority of respondents believe some to all students are prepared.
      • K-12 and Higher Ed teachers agree, but administrators are more optimistic (K-12) or pessimistic (Higher Ed).
      • Higher Ed faculty covering introductory or asynchronous online courses report lower levels of preparedness.
      • Most respondents believe students are technologically prepared.
      “Students have been taking courses online for years."
      “Students don't seem to know how to be students.”
      Faculty reporting expected change in course materials and extend of changes

      Bay View Analytics, with support from the Hewlett Foundation, conducts annual, national surveys of faculty and administrators on topics related to curricula adoption, and tracking awareness levels of Open Educational Resources (OER) — learn more here.