New survey highlights divide between post-pandemic predictions and current state of online learning in US K-12 education
Results show greater than anticipated reliance on blended learning, and a sizable minority of teachers prefer hybrid and remote instructional delivery.
OAKLAND, CA, USA, June 14, 2022 / -- Bay View Analytics, in partnership with the Clayton Christensen Institute, is proud to announce the results of the latest in a series of survey reports examining the evolution of education in the US in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The return to in-person instruction in Fall 2021 sparked discussion about the current state and potential future of online learning in US education. New data, sourced from the fourth installment of ongoing, nationally representative surveys of hundreds of teachers and administrators, provides unique insights into how teaching has evolved, how these changes were perceived, and what teachers and administrators anticipate going forward.
“Educators struggled during the 2021-22 school year to support students' social and emotional challenges while also making up for lost academic instruction,” said Thomas Arnett, Senior Research Fellow at the Clayton Christensen Institute. “Nonetheless, it's encouraging to see that educators who used personalized learning practices also reported feeling more confident in their ability to support students' social and emotional needs.”
Key insights include:
- Only 21% of teachers said they’d continue to use some form of blended learning once schools reopened, but 50% are still using it now.
- Teachers say they spend less time grading than before the pandemic, but time spent on meetings and other work activities has significantly increased, to the point where they’re overwhelmed.
- 97% of teachers say they’re back to in-person-only learning, though 15% say they actually prefer hybrid, remote, or other forms of instructional delivery.
- While concerns about equity, student access to devices and internet at home, the quality of available tech programs, and limited tech infrastructure were top-of-mind in determining instructional programs in Spring 2021, these concerns plummeted dramatically this year.
You can learn more and download the factsheets here:
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Bay View Analytics is a statistical research firm focusing on survey design, implementation, and analysis. Formerly known as the Babson Survey Research Group, the scope of Bay View Analytics’ consulting engagements includes scientific statistical analyses, clinical trial statistics, and survey designs for a range of topics, with a particular focus on online education. Bay View Analytics has been conducting research and publishing annual reports on the state of online education in U.S. higher education for thirteen years. Visit for more information or contact us at
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